Welcome to the home of Fractal Loop Theory
First edit: 14th November 2024
What is fractal loop theory?
Fractal Loop Theory is a way of understanding the world around us. It's a type of Theory of Everything that seeks to explain some of the fundamental parts of the Universe as we know it.
The name Fractal Loop Theory comes from it's core logic. The theory states that the world around us is made of Fractals, both physically and conceptually. Loop refers to both the way that we experience these fractals and to the superstructures that govern them.
E1: Origin story
The inception story of this theory is both simple and complex, like the theory itself. What is simple about this theory is it's shape. It can be understood as simply as a series of loops. What is complex is that to understand the theory you may need to experience it. This is because the theory is an experiential theory. A way to explain this is the difference between someone telling you how to ride a bicycle and you actually doing it. You don't really 'get' it till you've done it, no matter how much theory you have first.
In this respect, the theory is learned through experience and hence it's origin and inception came from experience.
The discoverer of this theory, Richard Garner, realised that the way to understand the theory is to experience it and so he has developed a playable experience called the start game in order to create an experience that facilitates its inception. It's aim is to take you on a journey where you have inception of this theory yourself, rather than being told it. So much so that access to the theory behind this theory is limited to those people that have played the game. As you progress through the game you will gain greater access to the theory here. Though the hope is that you won't need any explanation to understand it, in the same way that you can learn to ride a bike by just doing it. After that point, theory can help accelerate and reinforce your learning and skill, through continuous (fractal) loops of learning.
In order to define the structure of the theory here there will be information that 'gives the game away'. We do not want to do that, however, some people will want a sense of what they're getting into first. So this information is here to reassure people that playing the start game is worth their time.
For that reason, if you are the kind of person that enjoys working things out for themselves, do not read on from here. Yet. Play the first level of the start game and return here afterwards and connect your experience to the theory.
Fractal refers to the way the theory states that the Universe as we know it is entirely made of repeating Fractal structures. Specifically that there are specific Fractal patterns that run as a Fractal thread through all scales of experience from the quantum to the Universal.